My attitude to my hair loss has changed a lot

My attitude to my hair loss has changed a lot

My thoughts are around how my mindset with wig wearing has changed over the years, I started losing my hair around the age of 13/14 so as you can imagine at that age, to me, it was the end of the world.

When I first started wearing wigs there was not the choice or the quality of wigs that there is now, at that time they were really heavy and so hot. Over the years I have seen them improve and nowadays there are some beautiful styles and colours.

My attitude to my hair loss has changed a lot as well which I suppose it would after all these years, I am a lot more relaxed about it now and have no problems with telling people I wear a wig as I love to see their reaction when I tell them.

I remember a moment on a family holiday in Spain around 35 years ago. I was laying by the shore and saw my parents waving at me, I just waved back not realising that they were warning me of an incoming wave!

It went straight over my head and took my wig off, the funniest part was that I just put my hand up whilst under the water and there it was just floating above me – at the time I was mortified but if that happened now I would literally just laugh.

I go swimming a lot at my local pool and now have a swimming hat that I wear (bought from SW) and I have had many comments about how great it is. I now love the fact that I can change my appearance when I feel like it as there is so much choice now.

love Denise

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Here at Simply Wigs HQ we passionately believe that when our hairloss community are able to put their thoughts down in words, that in a small way, we are helping each other.


6 thoughts on “My attitude to my hair loss has changed a lot

  1. Oh Elaine how funny! I would highly recommend the swimming hats you can get on SW that’s what I use and they are fab

  2. Funnily enough I have just today had a similar experience l. I was doing an aqua class at my local Champneys where I have been a member for 5 years. Today they had some new noodles which are very hard and we were holding them under a foot and exercising when it shot upwards knocking my glasses off and my wig with it. I was shocked but able as you say to laugh it off and my friends were very supportive and gathered round but I was fine truly. Some of the members didn’t know and said they were amazed I wore a wig because they really looked so good. I they only see me in an old one i use for swimming. So thank you Simply Wigs for giving me so much confidence with your beautiful wigs.

  3. Thanks for the heads up!! It’s good to get a recommendation. It’s so important for morale to look good. xx

  4. Hi Morag

    Thanks so much for your reply and lovely comments.
    The one I have on is SUN DISC WIG SUN COLLECTION GISELA MAYER in Colour Gold Wheat Root (14/88+)
    These wigs are by far the best I have ever had – they last longer than any others if you get what I mean!

  5. Hi Denise, thank you for your brilliant, positive words. I had to laugh as I had a very similar experience with a big wave swimming in the sea! My daughter and I still laugh about it!
    I’d love to know the make, style and colour of the lovely wig you’re wearing so well in the photo. It’s so natural!
    All the best, Morag

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