Hair Loss Support
Have you experienced hair loss or thinning? If you have, you may benefit from our hair loss support blogs, where we work with our fabulous community to share information, advice and personal stories. Many of our wig wearers suffer from hair loss and seek our guidance (and that of their fellow wig-wearers) to build or regain their confidence. We offer many wigs for medical users, including those with alopecia or who are undergoing chemotherapy. So, be sure to check out our hair loss support blogs, encompassing everything from coping with hair loss to our comprehensive hair loss guide, which covers everything you need to know.
Please reach out to our wig experts if you have any questions about our blogs on hair loss support. Our team members are always happy to help.

My wig gives me so much confidence
I had just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and as a consequence of taking the medication, I started with severe hair loss.

My Alopecia Areata, I accept it is part of me
Autoimmune conditions run in my family, and this was how it manifested in me. At least it wasn’t Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus that affected other family members.
Read More about My Alopecia Areata, I accept it is part of me

I noticed my long hair was thinning
The man I loved and trusted since the age of sixteen took my hair from me. I know that sounds awful, but for years, small acts of physical abuse went unnoticed.

I was worried people would laugh because I was bald
I was a college student when my hair suddenly started falling out. Within a week, my scalp was covered with patches. I was diagnosed with alopecia.
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I lost all my hair following my first pregnancy
My hair has always been baby fine, thin and delicate. No matter how good a stylist or colourist I have been to, there was nothing they could do with my hair to give it volume - it was just flat, thin and lifeless.
Read More about I lost all my hair following my first pregnancy

I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis
My hair loss journey started after I was diagnosed with a serious lung condition called hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which can lead to pulmonary fibrosis. I was put on long-term high dose steroids, which I am still on today.
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Alopecia has been my companion since early childhood
My hair came and went, came back and then went away again. But from the age of 15, it never returned. And thus began my story of living with a wig.
Read More about Alopecia has been my companion since early childhood

Along came the menopause and things went downhill
My hair became lack lustre thin and faded and no matter how good the makeup or the outfit I felt old and just not me anymore. I moaned to my daughter - I was fed up.
Read More about Along came the menopause and things went downhill