Your Hair Loss Stories
My wig gives me so much confidence

My wig gives me so much confidence

I had just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and as a consequence of taking the medication, I started with severe hair loss.

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Your Hair Loss Stories
My Alopecia Areata, I accept it is part of me

My Alopecia Areata, I accept it is part of me

Autoimmune conditions run in my family, and this was how it manifested in me. At least it wasn’t Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus that affected other family members.

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Your Hair Loss Stories
I noticed my long hair was thinning

I noticed my long hair was thinning

The man I loved and trusted since the age of sixteen took my hair from me. I know that sounds awful, but for years, small acts of physical abuse went unnoticed.

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Your Hair Loss Stories
I was worried people would laugh because I was bald

I was worried people would laugh because I was bald

I was a college student when my hair suddenly started falling out. Within a week, my scalp was covered with patches. I was diagnosed with alopecia.

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Your Hair Loss Stories
I lost all my hair following my first pregnancy

I lost all my hair following my first pregnancy

My hair has always been baby fine, thin and delicate. No matter how good a stylist or colourist I have been to, there was nothing they could do with my hair to give it volume - it was just flat, thin and lifeless.

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Your Hair Loss Stories
I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis

I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis

My hair loss journey started after I was diagnosed with a serious lung condition called hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which can lead to pulmonary fibrosis. I was put on long-term high dose steroids, which I am still on today.

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Hair Loss Support
Alopecia Awareness Month

Alopecia Awareness Month

September is Alopecia Awareness Month! Although we believe alopecia awareness is something that should be practised all year round, it is great to have a month dedicated to spreading the word.

Read More about Alopecia Awareness Month

Hair Loss Support
A lot of my already fine hair fell out

A lot of my already fine hair fell out

My hair has never been great. It is very fine and only really looks good when freshly washed and styled. To add to this, I am not too good at styling my own hair, so the cost of having regular blowdrys was becoming quite expensive.

Read More about A lot of my already fine hair fell out

Our Community
I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and for the next three years was taking prednisolone, a steroid tablet to reduce inflammation, enabling me to function like a normal person.

Read More about I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica

Hair Loss Support
Alopecia has been my companion since early childhood

Alopecia has been my companion since early childhood

My hair came and went, came back and then went away again. But from the age of 15, it never returned. And thus began my story of living with a wig.

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Hair Loss Support
Along came the menopause and things went downhill

Along came the menopause and things went downhill

My hair became lack lustre thin and faded and no matter how good the makeup or the outfit I felt old and just not me anymore. I moaned to my daughter - I was fed up.

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Hair Loss Support
Lessons Learned from Experiences with Alopecia

Lessons Learned from Experiences with Alopecia

For Alopecia Awareness Month, we've brought together some lessons and tips from our beautiful customers' alopecia journeys. Read more here!

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Our Mission

Every member of the Simply Wigs team will conduct themselves with integrity, compassion and a sprinkling of fabulousness, whilst guiding you through your hair loss journey. One step at a time. We will offer support, guidance, then stand back, and watch you once again, feel fabulous.
Email Us: // Telephone Us: 01484 844557
(Monday - Thursday: 9am-4pm, Friday: 9am-3pm)