He wasn’t just a Hero he was my real lifesaver

He wasn’t just a Hero he was my real lifesaver

In December 2020 I was diagnosed with blood cancer.
A very rare blood cancer, CMML2. The 2 means that it had advanced to its fiercest level.

There are only palliative care options unless a matching HLA tissue donor can be found. If they are willing then their stem cells can be transplanted to hopefully replace the bad bone marrow cells and leukaemia cells.

After not being able to get tested at local medical centres because of the specialised nature of the testing Peter drove 70 miles each way to be tested. He didn’t hesitate when he was found to be a full match and volunteered straight away.

He drove the journey to Addenbrookes for all his pre-donation tests, and blood tests, and to get instructions and injections to inject himself 3 times a day with meds to help him produce enough stem cells. He had to go two days running to have the stem cells harvested. All of this just a few days before his first grandchild was due.

“He wasn’t just a Hero he was my real lifesaver. His donation appears to have worked – my tests are all really positive so far”.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Nominated by: Chris || Nomination: Peter

The Simply Wigs Team says:

“Thank you so much Chris for sharing your story. A lovely bottle of champagne is on its way to your brother!

Thank you, for being you.”

Simply Wigs Heroes is about saying thank you to people who you care about and who have played an important part in your journey.

Dedicated to the people that have helped you through your life.

Who is your hero?

Simply Wigs Heroes is about saying thank you to people who you care about and who have played an important part of your journey.

Dedicated to the people that have helped you through your life.


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