How to Hide Natural Hair Under a Wig

How to Hide Natural Hair Under a Wig

Wigs are a fabulous way of creating a new look without changing your natural hair. However, wearing a wig is not quite as simple as just putting it on your head and rocking it! For those with longer natural hair, it’s important to know how to conceal your hair under a wig, whilst also protecting it.

If you have longer hair, check out our earlier post on how to wear a wig with long hair!

Top Tips for Healthy Hair Under a Wig

Before you get started on your natural hair and try to get it in a style you can hide under a wig, there are a few things you need to remember.

Hairstyles for Hiding Natural Hair Under a Wig



Usually, the best place to hide your hair under a wig is at the nape of your neck, and most wigs have a little extra stretch in this area to accommodate for it. If your hair is long enough, you can simply tie your hair in a bun and throw it under the wig cap, put on the wig and the wig will stretch around the bun. Nice and simple!



Having your natural hair in plaits is one of the best and easiest ways of hiding your hair under a wig. Although this style is not as flat as other styles, it allows for your natural hair to be protected and allows for easier access to the scalp for cleansing and moisturising.

How to achieve the look:

For medium hair

– Divide your hair into two and plait both sections.
– Swirl and tuck your plaits into a Heidi Braid hairstyle.
– With one plait, place it under the opposite plait and take it up round the front of your head. Secure this with pins.
– Take your second plait, cross it under the opposite plait and bring to the front of the head. Again, secure with pins.

For long hair:

– Tie your hair into a ponytail at the crown of your head and divide the hair equally into 4 sections and plait each
– Take one plait and wrap it around your head about an inch away from your hairline and pinning every few inches to secure
– Repeat this with the next two, wrapping each braid behind the rows of the previous plait
– With the final plait, wrap it into a spiral that ends at the base of the original of the original ponytail.


When plaiting the hair, keep the plaits small to minimise lumps or bumps under the wig.



This is a much-loved hairstyle for concealing your natural hair under a wig, particularly for those with thick or textured hair. Cornrows allow for a flatter surface than braided hair so your hair is less bumpy under a wig, and this style is great for short to medium length hair, although can be done on most lengths.

How to achieve the look:

– Divide your hair into small sections from front to back and simply plait the length of your hair.



These are the easiest to wear under a wig but the least popular. Whilst this style is easy to create it also frizzes and tangles faster. Remember to make the twists small to avoid leaving bumps under the wig!

Now that you know how to hide your hair under a wig, read our previous blog for some top tips on how to secure your wig, and if you’re new to the world of wigs, check out our beginner’s guide to wig wearing. For more fabulous wig care inspiration, check out our blog! Similarly, browse our website for our wide range of spectacular wigs.

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