I lost my hair to Alopecia 5 years ago

I lost my hair to Alopecia 5 years ago


Nomination: Joy | Nominated by: Kate

My lovely mum was so wonderful at a very stressful and confusing time.

I lost my hair to Alopecia 5 years ago, very quickly. My Mum sprang into action and helped me find a place to buy a wig. She also helped me see a private consultant after the NHS proved clueless as to what was going on.

She continued to support and help with the aftermath of what was a devastating time for me. I struggled a lot, I had a nervous breakdown and had many tears during that time. My mum stood by my side through it all. She was 87.

Simply Wigs would like to extend our condolences to Kate, whose lovely mother passed away in April this year. Flowers were sent to Kate, in honour of nominating her lovely mum.

Who is your hero?

Dedicated to the people that have helped you through your life.

Simply Wigs Heroes is about saying thank you to people who you care about and who have played an important part of your journey.


One thought on “I lost my hair to Alopecia 5 years ago

  1. Where would we be without our Mums? Their strength and resilience lives on in us. My own Mum was my saving grace when I first started on my own Alopecia experience 25 years ago with a similar encounter with NHS. Mum’s wise counselling, her unfailing support and… her sense of humour will always remain with me.

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