My “wig journey” began with a very small itchy patch of dandruff in the Winter of 2023. By late August I had several bald patches, and was then diagnosed with Alopecia Areata.
I had always taken great care of my hair, and regularly changed styles and had fun with new looks and then suddenly it just looked awful, no matter what I did to try to conceal the bald spots. I didn’t feel like me, I didn’t look like me, and watching more fall out with every wash was very distressing. I needed to find a coping mechanism.
After a lot of research watching videos and checking out wig-influencers, I found my “dream hair” on the Simply Wigs website and took the plunge.

The arrival of the Simmer wig was a total game-changer for me. It gave me the courage and confidence to shave my head and so be released from the “shed-dread”. Losing more hair didn’t matter anymore, I could wear a wig and look good again.

I got so many compliments on my hair, no one even imagined it was a wig. Now I am always open when folk do comment and thank them but tell them that it’s a wig, and most people are amazed. I have 8 wigs now (how many is too many?) and love choosing my hair as an accessory, depending on how I feel, what the weather’s like and what I’m wearing.
I have had re-growth since my initial bout of Alopecia, but I am not mentally ready to grow my hair again (it could all fall out again), and I am happy as a wig-wearer, it’s my way of coping with Alopecia, and I encourage others to explore wigs as an option for them too.
Sending strength and courage to all those who deal with hair loss.
Love, Charlie xxx
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