Plain and simple hair loss.

Plain and simple hair loss.

My story is probably a familiar one. It doesn’t involve Chemo or cancer just plain and simple hair loss.

My hair has always been fine and I could mask the front with my style however the back was completely different. It was a case of what I couldn’t see it didn’t matter. Only everyone else could. As the years went on little comments would be made about it. My husband would do his best to cover it up if the wind was blowing.

In June of 2023 I was looking at some wedding photos when I could see myself in the background. Not the front of me but the back of my head. What a shock to the system that was. I hadn’t accepted or realised how bad things had got. You could only see my scalp. That was the day things began to change.

I needed to do something, hair extensions weren’t going to work. I hadn’t got enough hair. That’s when the decision was made I needed a wig.

The first week of the school holidays in July I made an appointment at a specialist near me. I was a bag of nerves. I hadn’t told anyone and I went on my own. I didn’t want anyone to decide for me. They were amazing. I had a cup of tea calmed myself down and then shared why I was there. Nothing was too much trouble. The advice and help was fantastic. I walked away wearing my first Lucca Deluxe wig. I felt like a new person.

This is me wearing my favourite wig Lucca Deluxe
Lucca Deluxe by Gisela Mayer

Then the reality hits what if no one likes it? A whole new range of emotions took over. I had big decisions to make. If I went back to school in September wearing my wig there would be no going back. At a family wedding in August people who I had not seen for a while thought I looked amazing. They hadn’t even realised it was a wig!

My confidence grew. I started posting pictures of myself so people would see. I returned to school with nothing but compliments and support. My biggest regret was I had not done it sooner. I hit 60 that year. What a year it was. I now have 4  wigs and I love them all. My confidence has grown. I love getting ready to go out especially when I add my final touch. My beautiful hair.

Love to you all, Roseleen x


4 thoughts on “Plain and simple hair loss.

  1. You look great. I’d advise anyone with thinning hair to just give wigs a go. Once you get into wearing different styles to suit your mood you’ll probably find it quite addictive!

  2. Your story hit home! I experienced sudden, total hairloss myself, at 61 and my wigs have become a trademark for me. You are beautiful and I appreciate you sharing your story. Thank you!

  3. Wow!
    What a lovely, fresh, sleek and sophisticated look. No wonder you are so pleased with your wig. You look happy and confident in your photo. Pure joy! XX

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