The doctor said I had Alopecia Areata

The doctor said I had Alopecia Areata

I spent all my 55 years of life with a mop of natural curls that everyone seemed to like except me. Until one day in March 2022, it all started falling out.

Devastated I went to the doctors and had all the usual tests revealing nothing. The doctor said I had Alopecia Areata, it can just happen, nothing to be done, just live with it and it might come back and might not!

At first, I didn’t know how I could keep going as it just got thinner and thinner .. then I plucked up the courage and bought my first wig! What a revelation, I had all these preconceived ideas of wig-wearing but it was definitely a turning point for me to start living again.

On my first outing, I was very self-conscious thinking everyone was staring at me but it soon became clear that they weren’t. Then I started to get regular compliments from strangers telling me how great my hair looked I realised this was the way forward.

I found Simply Wigs online, they were so helpful and to be able to return them if not suitable is great. Also love to see pics of other customers and I find the 360 picture very helpful as it shows the wig as it really is. I now have a lovely collection of various styles and colours, my partner loves the variations and has even taken to naming them.

Flirting with Fashion

I love the shaded colours with natural roots, my favourite style was “Upstage” but then I’ve just gone more short and funky with “Flirting with Fashion”, nice and cool for the summer months. I do miss my natural hair at times but having all the lovely wigs in my life has not been so bad after all.

Love to you all. Julie x


3 thoughts on “The doctor said I had Alopecia Areata

  1. Loved your story and the wig you chose is very beautiful. I lost my hair from the age of 14 but at 18 years had to buy a wig much to my dismay. But now lam 66.and just love Simple wigs company so very caring in every aspect.

  2. My story is similar to Julie’s. Same comment from my GP, Alopecia Areata? not really interested. However, here I am 12 months later, and now I have no body hair at all. Alopecia totalis, or alopecia universalis, I’m not sure. No point in visiting GP, I know as much about it as he does. However, there is no point in getting depressed about it. At 79 I am thankful that I am fit and healthy, and thanks to Simply Wigs online, I can face each day with the confidence I had when I had my own lovely locks. I have confidence, because when I talk about my baldness no one can believe that I am wearing a wig. Don’t let alopecia run your life. You must take the plunge. Look at all the lovely styles and colour of wigs at Simply Wigs, and enjoy life.

  3. On a tangent to the core of Simply Wigs – and why we all use the excellent service – it was interesting to read the reactions to winner of a French beauty contest – she has short hair!
    Keep positive everyone, all the stories resonate with me – and I will be wearing an ‘almost’ glamour model approach to what will be on my head over the festive season. Enjoy

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