The Thorn Wig Makes for A Great Night Out!

The Thorn Wig Makes for A Great Night Out!

Emma in the Thorn Wig by Natural Collection
Thorn Wig by Natural Collection
Thorn Wig by Natural Collection

Saturday night came and for once in our lifetime, both our daughters were staying at their friends houses on the same night. As this has not happened in more years than I care to remember, Stuart and I actually decided to brave the adult world and go out. Meal was booked, dress was on – just had to decide on the hair. Spoilt for choice, I decided on one of my favourites the Thorn from Natural Collection. She is light to wear, no fussing to do with the style and she looks really natural.

Wearing The Thorn Wig

Initially when you wear the Thorn Wig, the style will have height and volume. As I prefer to have a sleeker look, I just smoothed down the fibres with my fingers. I didn’t bother with any styling products as there was no need. This wig has a monofilament parting at the left side. A clever feature which means that when I’m sat in the restaurant having my grown up meal, the parting area will look like the hair is coming from my own scalp.

Complete Monofilament tops, mean that you can style the parting where you decide, but the Thorn has a Monofilament left parting only. This means that the fringe will always sweep towards the left hand side. You could change it if you prefer, but I think you would be jeopardising the look of the Thorn if you do so. Colour choice was Dark Brown. A rich and warm shade that will flatter most skin tones.

Lippy on, dress on, heels on and hair on. Pity that the dogs jumped up at me before we walked out of the door. They had obviously just been in the garden, playing in the mud so I therefore spent ten minutes sponging paw prints of my dress. We keep trying to be grown up, but we just never get there. At least my hair looked good.

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