My dear friend Gabrielle

My dear friend Gabrielle

A few years ago when my hair began to get thinner, my friend Gabrielle was the only one to inform me that she could see my scalp and that I would need ways to disguise this.

To begin with, I used scarves as a headband to disguise my hair loss until it got worse
Gabrielle then found a place where my hair could be platted to a false wig and I used this method for a while.

However, this was not only expensive but tugged on my existing hair and looked quite false anyhow.

Through lots of tears I eventually visited Trevor Sorbie who introduced me to the world of wigs, supported of course by my dear friend, Gabrielle.

After a few trials with other wig vendors, I eventually discovered Simply Wigs and have dealt with them for many years.

Throughout all of this I have received support and encouragement from my dear friend Gabrielle. Without her intervention from the start, I wouldn’t be where I am now. She has a big heart and this is reflected in the work she does with blind and partially sighted people. She’s a good egg.


Nominated by Sheila
Thank you so much for sharing your story. A beautiful bouquet of flowers are on their way to your good friend!
Thank you, for being you.
Who is your hero?

Simply Wigs Heroes is about saying thank you to people who you care about and who have played an important part of your journey.



2 thoughts on “My dear friend Gabrielle

  1. Sheila, this is a great story, I think we are often too reserved to give the advice your friend did. You look great, if you are wearing a wig I’d love to know what it is, looks so natural x

  2. Thats a wonderful story, thank you for sharing. Simply Wigs are simply the best company to buy from. They always take time to help and really care.

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Every member of the Simply Wigs team will conduct themselves with integrity, compassion and a sprinkling of fabulousness, whilst guiding you through your hair loss journey. One step at a time. We will offer support, guidance, then stand back, and watch you once again, feel fabulous.
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