How to Put a Wig Stand Together

How to Put a Wig Stand Together

Wig stands are a key component of any wig care kit. They’re super practical, affordable and help to maintain your wig’s condition for longer. Collapsible metal and plastic wig stands are some of the most common types of wig stand. However, they can look confusing to assemble. So, we’re here to lend a helping hand and explain how to put together a wig stand properly. We promise it’s more simple than it looks, and with the help of this guide, you’ll be an expert in no time!

How to Put a Wig Stand Together: Metal Wig Stands

Firstly, you need to identify the different pieces of the wig stand. Collapsible metal wig stands are typically composed of two separate pieces, both of which have notches on top.

The first piece has a notch facing downward, and the second piece has a notch facing upward.

Take the first piece of the stand and slide it through the second piece, securing the bottom sections of the pieces together.

Continue pushing the first piece through the second piece until the two top notches slot together securely.

To collapse the wig stand, simply unhook the pieces from one another and slide them apart.

How to Put a Wig Stand Together: Plastic Wig Stands

Like metal stands, plastic wig stands tend to come in two pieces. Both pieces have notches at the bottom of the stand. The first piece has an upward facing notch which is located further down than the second piece’s downward-facing notch.

Take the first piece of the stand and slide it through the second piece, slotting the notches together at the bottom.

Slide the second piece until the smaller notches at the top are fixed together, too.

To collapse the wig stand, simply unhook the pieces from one another and slide them apart.

Metal Wig Stands vs Plastic Wig Stands

If you’re debating between a metal wig stand and a plastic wig stand, here are a few things to consider.

Overall, there are only slight differences between the two types of stand. Metal and plastic wig stands are designed slightly differently in terms of how they slot into place, however their design concepts are the same.

Metal wig stands usually come with plastic tips which stop the feet of the stand from sliding about. These wig stands tend to be more sturdy than their plastic counterparts, which is often reflected in the price. Both types of wig stand are affordable, however metal stands tend to be slightly pricier.

Why Use a Wig Stand?

So, is a wig stand essential? In our opinion, using a wig stand is an important step when it comes to wig care. That’s why it’s helpful to understand how to put together a wig stand properly.

Storing your wig on a wig stand while you’re not wearing it is a simple and highly effective way of properly maintaining your wig. It keeps your wig cap in shape, helps to prevent tangles from forming and maintains the pre-set style in synthetic wigs. In turn, your wig will look and feel fabulous for longer, and the money you spent on your wig goes further.

Collapsible metal and plastic wig stands are ideal for proper wig care due to their design. The open space in the wig stand allows for better air circulation under the wig cap. This helps the wig to ‘breathe’, prevents mildew from forming and helps your wig to dry more quickly. After carefully washing and brushing your wig using proper wig care products, pop it on a wig stand to air dry.

Another benefit of collapsible wig stands is that they are foldable and portable. Not only does this make them easier to store, but it also makes travelling with wigs easier.

Why Use We hope you’re now feeling confident with how to put a wig stand together properly! Using a collapsible wig stand is a great way to keep your wig carefully maintained and looking stunning for longer, even when you’re away from home.a Wig Stand?
Take a look at our collection of quality wig stands or have a read of our blog for more wig care advice! 

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