I lost my hair and struggled

I lost my hair and struggled

My life has gradually returned to what I would consider normalcy, though the past few months have been tough due to cancer. Back in 2015, I lost my hair and struggled with wearing an NHS wig, which I didn’t like, but I persevered, holding onto the hope that my hair would eventually grow back.

Regrettably, my cancer has advanced, necessitating a return to the harsh reality of ongoing IV chemotherapy — this time indefinitely, or until my body reaches its limit. After just one treatment, I experienced the heartbreaking loss of my beautiful hair and eyebrows. However, my spirits were lifted when I discovered Simply Wigs.

This is me waering the Textured Fringe Bob wig by Hairdo in colour Wheat Blonde

This is the model shot waering the Textured Fringe Bob wig by Hairdo in colour Rooted Golden Wheat

The wig I’ve found and grown to love has profoundly transformed my outlook on my illness, restoring my confidence and allowing me to embrace my true self once again. The wig is so realistic and feels great, lots of friends and family still can’t believe it’s a wig, and are often surprised to learn it’s a wig! I’m deeply thankful to Simply Wigs. Looking ahead, I’m excited to focus on moving forward, getting busy living, and embracing life to the fullest. Thank you.

Love to you all, Marcelle x


5 thoughts on “I lost my hair and struggled

  1. Best wishes to you, Marcelle. As for the wig – you’ve made me want to try it as it looks so good on you. That’s the best compliment I can give as imitation is the best form of flattery.

  2. Loved reading your story Marcelle..and you look great in Hairdo, textured fringe bob..my all time favourite too..
    Wearing a wig certainly helps make you feel “normal” again, and helps you face the world.
    You look lovely in yours, it really suits you..
    Wishing you well for the future..

  3. Thank-you for sharing your story. It’s inspiring to hear how finding the right wig can transform how you feel. Your family and friends are right… you do not look like you’re wearing a wig… it’s so natural.
    Good luck with your ongoing treatment.

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