I am going to reach the marvellous age of 70 years young this year and I am truly grateful that I am in relatively good health but it’s been a very distressing year up to now. Nevertheless, I am hoping for renewal and re-growth as usual. I lost the final last hairs on my body, my eyebrows and eyelashes 4 months ago. I know that it was due to family stresses and moving house at the same time. It really has hit me hard and it’s difficult for me to look in the mirror and not recognise myself without those brows and lashes.
I started losing my hair over 40 years ago after the birth of my second child. I had never experienced any health or hair problems up to that time. When my daughter was 3 months old I woke with severe pain in my lower abdomen. The doctor pronounced irritable bowel but after that I found it hard to stand up as my legs ached so much, my tongue was discoloured, I developed acne rosacea and half the hair on my head below my ears fell out. My doctor just said these things can happen after childbirth…really!
I guess I really just got on with life and slowly my hair returned and I started a recover a little. In the years following I had other episodes of hair loss which amounted to various size bald patches. Eventually I lost most of my body hair. When I became pregnant with my 3rd child 11 years later I regrew all the hair on my head. It was absolutely wonderful for that short time but so soul destroying to see it all fall out again 3 months postnatally. I think that’s the cruel part of Alopecia.
I finally sought help with complementary medicine and was advised to have my amalgam fillings removed. I had 6 fillings carefully removed in a very specific procedure to avoid my swallowing or inhaling any of this highly toxic material. After about 6-9 months I felt so much healthier and the irritable bowel condition left me and my facial skin improved as did my mood and emotional health.
Since that time over 20 years ago I have remained in really good health but my hair has never fully returned. My own philosophy regarding my own hair loss is that my body doesn’t have the right enzymes to rid my body of certain allergens or toxins and so fights this enemy. For someone else it could be another reason.
I started wearing a wig 30 years ago. It was a really hard thing to accept and it felt such a guilty secret.

Slowly over the last few years I have become grateful that I am fit and healthy and that wigs are so much more fun and stylish so they can really can enhance your looks and give you so much confidence. It’s a learning curve to find the right wig and colour but when you do, it really becomes a part of you and your personality.
I love that Simply Wigs send me a chocolate with my new wig and that the box is wrapped in purple tissue paper. I don’t give up hope and I still tell myself that my facial hair is just waiting for the right growing conditions again. Meanwhile I am really happy to connect with the Alopecia community out there and also know that research is making great strides at the moment to find ways to encourage hair growth.
Love to you all, Andrea x
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Many people consider their hair an integral part of their identity, as a way to express individuality, personality, and culture. When hair loss is affecting your confidence, it can feel very emotional and difficult to deal with.
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I wished l had of had the confidence to wear wigs years ago. They really have changed my life for the better.
Once they are on they transform you.
They are so stylish now and the colours they come in are amazing.
I started with hair loss a few years ago due to a medical condition and it is now baby fine .
I have learnt to accept that my hair will always be like this ,but with my wigs l don’t let it stop me doing anything.
You look fabulous. It is difficult to deal with hair loss but you are coping wonderfully. I lost my eyebrows about 5 years ago during menopause, then lost my hair during chemo last year. I now have frontal alepicia. We are so lucky to have access to good quality wigs and toppers to give us confidence.