This year has been a year of big changes for me so far. We’ve adopted our dog Kota, we’ve moved house at last after 3 years of trying to make the move happen, and most recently, have started a new job.

I started today, so I’m writing this blog post on the train on my new commute home. That’s a huge change for me; I’ve spent the last 4 years working all over the UK, and never close to home. I’ve spent pretty much all week, every week away from home which wasn’t ideal. Now I work 30 miles away from home, so life really is changing!
The new role is a big step up the career ladder, and it’s also the kind of role where there’s nobody to welcome me, show me how things are done etc. It’s down to me to set all of the systems and processes up. That’s because I’ve been asked to set up a new organisation, so there’s just me and one other guy at the moment. Other than that, it’s the two of us reporting progress to the Chairman and the Board who although all lovely are of course people I need to impress.
So, approaching this with confidence in myself and my abilities is pretty important. Now is not the time to feel insecure or to be worrying about how I look. So being confident that my wig looks good and is a natural, flattering style would be a big help! I bought a new style a little while ago – the Elizabeth from the Jon Renau HD collection in a colour called Shaded Praline. I fell totally in love with this wig after doing a video review for Simply Wigs! It’s been in my drawer, tempting me with its swooshiness for two months now, and it’s nearly killed me to have to wait!
Well, in the past it would have been because this style is longer than my last one, so I would have felt nervous about people at work realising it’s a wig as a result of my hair getting longer overnight. Having made a similar change a year or so ago – I wrote my first blog post about that one! – I have to say I was really touched by the kind comments people made and that has taken a lot of that fear away. Still, I half expected to still feel nervous. But I surprised myself by not being bothered at all about that – writing blogs for Simply Wigs has meant I’ve overcome any residual discomfort about talking about alopecia and wigs. So, I genuinely wouldn’t have minded at all switching styles in the same workplace, and in fact would have been excited about walking into the office sporting my new look.

The reasons I waited were confidence and a sense of occasion. For the same reasons I held off wearing my new suit and heels until today as well – even though I’ve had those for months too! It felt right to mark the occasion of an exciting new job with exciting new hair, and to treat getting ready for work this morning as something a bit more worthy of effort than on a normal day. It’s also, mostly, about confidence. I think when you have something a little daunting to do – giving a presentation, taking an exam, starting a new job – you need to psych yourself into it. I’ve always believed that visualising yourself succeeding in whatever it is you’re about to tackle goes a long way to help, and an element of that is looking the part. I know some of you are probably thinking ‘that’s OK for her, she’s confident, but I’m not’. Well, there’s some truth in the idea that I’m confident, but like all of us I have my insecurities and fears, particularly the fear of being found to not be up to the job (aka Imposter Syndrome). So starting a new job goes right to the heart of the things about myself that I can be a bit under-confident about.
“ I think that over time, if you pretend to be confident about e.g. giving a presentation, eventually you learn that you really can pull it off, and the confidence becomes real. It’s a case of putting on the mask you need and playing the part of a confident person, until that person actually does become you. ”
I also think the same is true when meeting new people socially. With a house move a month ago I’ve been meeting lots of new folks lately, and again I think feeling confident in how you look helps a lot if you’re a bit nervous in social situations. I’m slightly amazed to say that I haven’t given the wig change a second thought in this context – I met a bunch of people for the first time a month ago wearing a shorter wig, and now I’m swooshing around in my new longer style but nobody’s commented at all so far. If they do, so much the better as it gives me the opportunity to mention that it’s a wig – I think people’s reactions to that tell you quite a bit about what kind of person they are; it’s a handy litmus test. Which reminds me – one lady commented on an earlier post asking how to broach the subject with a new boyfriend. My advice in that situation is that timing is all. I’ve always thought that the ideal timing is when it’s clear that there’s mutual attraction and a kiss is going to happen, but before that first kiss. That’s because I remember being worried about things like ‘what if he puts his hand to the back of my neck and feels it’s a wig’, and that can spoil the enjoyment of the first kiss, which is a moment to savour. Any new partner worth their salt won’t be bothered that you wear a wig, and if they’re a wrong’un at least you found out early!
So, whatever is making you nervous, put your game face on and go for it!
I promise you have more courage and confidence in you than you realise.

(P.S. Just a quick mention for my gorgeous adopted dog, Koto. Love him to bits x)
Lizzie & Koto x
My experience wearing wigs began maybe 5 years ago. I have never been blessed with beautiful hair, it wasn’t very thick at any time. I am in my 60s and always envied others with thick hair, my family believe it or not, made me feel inferior throughout life with my looks. I became so upset just prior to wigs as my thin hair was becoming ever thinner! Once I bought my first wig from a wonderful salon I just cried with joy. Finally I can come out of my insecure shell and become the me I always longed to be. Now since finding Simply Wigs I have been able to experiment more because of their huge range and very fair pricing. I am now a completely different person, new style hair, new style clothes, weight loss and to some peoples horror, a few piercings. I am on top of the world, feel the happiest I have ever been in myself and my new hair put me on that journey.
Thank you for your positive words Annie, it means so much.
I’ll be back at work on 6th January and I intend to be wearing my new hair. New year, new start, new me. ? xx
I hear your pain. But please believe once you embrace wearing wigs you’ll actually enjoy it and sometimes (almost) feel privileged that you get to have great hair everyday. It ain’t an easy journey but you’re almost there cos you’re accepting your situation. All I can say is, if life throws you lemons make lemonade – you’ve found Simply Wigs start experimenting! I wish you all the luck and remember you’re not alone.xx
I bought my very first wig in July this year. I haven’t worn it out of the house yet. I’ve hoped and hoped that my beautiful dark, wavy hair would grow back but I’ve accepted that it won’t. My GP says I’ve been going through a grieving process.
I’m scared, my confidence has gone. But I’m also exhausted at worrying every time I go out what people are thinking: why is her hair so thin, is she ill? Basically it’s taken over my life. I know I need to take back control. I need to own it. Well that’s where I am at the moment. I just need some courage.
Lizzie you just look completely gorgeous! My take on wearing wigs is you can change colour easily, even style and for me, I have a confidence I never had with my own thin hair. I love wigs and have never looked back.
Hi Lizzie
Just want to say ….Thanks to you …you have given me the confidence to wear wigs ….your lovely approach to wigs just made me feel great . I used to have my tiny baby fine hair donr in a very expensive salons feauturing extentions …it was painful and very expensive AND people noticed that I was wearing extensions if I didnt go to the salon every two weeks ….I couldnet afford it anymore an was crying myself to sleep wonering what I could do …by chance I found your videos ….especially an Ellen Wille wig you were wearing …..AMAZING …so much better than extensions …and that salon using peoples insecurities to pump the bill up. I must say though …I love Eilizabeth and I bought one because of you …I don’t tell people its a wig because frankly …its none of their business but if some people insist of your just in one of those conversations …I just say …I get a little help from a magic hairdresser who does incredible hair pieces …then I change the subject …Its easier for me to say hair piece or extensions than a wig …alot of stigma attached to the word wig. Of course …if I can see a lady friend in a difficult hair situation ….I definately let them know about simplywigs and you …because I know the hell their going through. Thank you Lizzie …thank you from thebottom of my heart. Dolly.
Congrats on your new job and fur baby – he looks adorable.
Aren’t we lucky to be able to change our hairstyle/colour whenever we feel like it. Once we get past the worry about what others might think there’s a lot of fun to be had in wearing wigs, especially now with the advent of lace fronts/hand tied/monofilament features. It has been my experience that people are not that concerned if you wear a wig, after all to many its just another beauty enhancement like nail extensions or faux eyelashes. As someone said to me when I recently changed my ‘hair’ from a shoulder length, dark blond, beach wave to a short platinum style overnight – on confessing that it was a wig she said ‘I don’t care, it looks absolutely gorgeous’. Who doesn’t want to hear that. Embrace what life throws at you and, where you can, turn the negatives into positives. X
seriously lizzie your wearing a wig in the pics !,,,NO way !,,,you look amazing and I really mean that iv been a wig wearer for 20 years and the wig your wearing is the best iv seen x x beautiful x x congratulations on the new job x x stay fabulous doll love helen d x x x x x x x x x x
Are you wearing a wig in this profile picture? if so, may I ask what wig it is?
Congratulations on the new job, Lizzie! Also on your wee furry baby!
You look absolutely beautiful in your photos! Exciting times for you, although I’m sure nervewracking (but in a good way!) x
Wishing you all the luck and Love in the world.
Well Done Lizzie but really, I do not know what all the fuss is about ‘wigs’ in this day and age? I see so many celebrities on TV each and every day wearing wigs and hair extensions and they simply ooze confidence and look wonderful. I have worn one for over 20 years and have never had any issue and few people even realise unless I have made them aware of it myself. The secret is knowing how to make them look natural and that usually requires a good hairdresser and most provide a mobile service in the privacy of your own home.