She is my hope for the morrow

She is my hope for the morrow



She is my daughter and has always been by my side giving me the strength and courage to go on. I suffer from bad depression and she always is bright cheerful and inspirational no matter how bad a day she herself is having”.

“Even when she was in hospital she rang me up to talk to me to tell me how special I was. As I have alopecia, she loves to see me in your wigs and is always telling me how much they suit me and also tells me to be bold and try new colours and styles”

“She is my hope for the morrow”

I would like to nominate my hero daughter, Kelly. She is a gorgeous person!
NOMINATED BY: her mum, Susan.

Thank you so much Susan, for sharing your story.
A beautiful bouquet of flowers are on their way to your daughter!
Thank you, for being you.

Who would you say ‘thank you’ to . . .
Nominate your hero now


4 thoughts on “She is my hope for the morrow

  1. Daughters are most precious, Susan. I do not have one. I am attached to my mom, so I can relate to your story. God bless beautiful Kelly. Wigs have come a long way, and many people enjoy wearing different styles of wig. So embrace wearing wigs, do not let aloepecia depress you. Think about Kelly whenever you feel depressed and you will soon come out of it. Meditation helps too!

  2. May Kelly continue to love and support you for many years to come Susan. She is a worthy winner of the ‘My Hero’ title, and a daughter that any parent would be proud of.

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