Don’t be afraid to wear a wig.

Don’t be afraid to wear a wig.

I started wearing my first wig right at the beginning of the pandemic. My story is one that is shared by many; my hair started falling out when I was about 25, slowly and unnoticed for many years it became thinner and thinner.

I was in denial, through sheer embarrassment and not wanting to admit what was happening.

Out and about, in shops, restaurants, at work I’d see people looking at my head and I’d know what they were thinking, I could see it in their eyes. So I tried all sorts of treatments from the expensive lotions to the plain ridiculous; I read an article that recommended massaging cold, strong coffee into my scalp, the caffeine was supposed to help – it didn’t.

One day, I’d met up with a friend in a café and a small child on the next table said in a loud innocent voice that only a child could have, “Mummy, that lady is going bald”. I felt my cheeks going red with humiliation. It was after that that I decided that I had to act. I could no longer ignore the obvious, I had lost much of my hair by that time and my self-esteem had reached its lowest point.

I’d considered trying a wig but I had no idea where to start but I asked a friend who was a hairdresser if she had any experience of wigs. She recommended a local salon that specialised in wigs but unfortunately for me it was March 2020 and had just been closed because of COVID.

After a bit of research I found some websites which sold wigs online.

I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of styles and colours but having no experience at all it took a lot more research online to narrow the sites down to one or two that were UK based and came with great recommendations from their customers. Some of the sites had very little help or information other than descriptions of the wigs themselves. But I came across this Simply Wigs website which has a vast amount of help and advice both from the staff team but also from customers which is invaluable.

So what have I learned in the two years I’ve been wearing wigs? What advice would I give to myself from now to back then?

I went a bit mad at first, I bought a lot of wigs in different styles and colours before I learned what suited me. I’d say go for a style and colour not too far from your natural you to start off with and make use of the advice available here from those who know much more than me. There’s nothing wrong at all with experimenting and I’m now the owner of about 10 wigs and most of all I know now which I like best so for the future I have a much better idea of which to go for.

I told my friends and family who were very supportive because I was worried that people would laugh and stare at the change in me but no one did. I got more compliments than I was expecting about how good I looked.

But the biggest piece of advice I’d give my younger self is that it takes courage to acknowledge having alopecia but I am so glad I did. Don’t be afraid to wear a wig. It has been one of the best decisions of my life.

Love Laura


15 thoughts on “Don’t be afraid to wear a wig.

  1. Laura, which wig are you wearing in the photo by the bridge, you are wearing blue. It looks fab and the colour is gorgeous.

  2. Laura, you look so happy, confident and that wig looks amazing. Can you please let me know the style, colour etc. You look great and your story is so encouraging for others.

  3. Hi Laura can I ask please what wig are you wearing it’s looks beautiful

  4. This is not exactly a direct response to Laura’s article but it does prompt me to ask other wig wearers about their partner’s reaction – both long standing partners and prospective new partners . The thought of making a new relationship is one thing I feel very apprehensive about .

  5. Thanks Laura for sharing your story. I’m just beginning to think I need to consider a topper or wig as my disappearing hair is becoming more noticeable. It was good to see someone wearing a wig that looked so natural, without the “big hair” look which is just not for me! You look relaxed and comfortable as well as lovely! x

  6. I love reading the stories of all the wonderful Simply Wigs customers. They always are a great pick me up. One of the things I particularly enjoy is being told the name of the wig and the colour the story teller is wearing in her picture. It’s always interesting to see how the other ladies are wearing a wig that I might have bought as well. But some ladies forget to tell us.

    So, Laura, if you have a minute. Could you please let us know the name and colour of the wig you are wearing in your photo. Many thanks. And yes, just like you, I love, love wearing wigs. They’ve given me more confidence in my appearance than when I had lots of hair. And they are such fun. Diane

  7. Thank you Laura for your lovely look absolutely beautiful and so much of what you’ve said I can relate to..
    I struggled just the same until my daughter’s wedding prompted me to get a wig..
    It’s changed my regrets and totally grateful to Simply Wigs…I’ve never looked back…

  8. What a lovely story. Such a shame how we feel embarrassed about what others think. I would like to share my story which is very different from Laura’s and I will be sending it in to you very soon. Thanks for all the support these stories give. Hope my story will too x

  9. Laura – you look great! We should ALL remember that we are members of a VERY exclusive club! I started dating a guy a few months ago (we are both mature individuals) – and of course the moment arrived when I needed to tell him about my (lack of) hair – he was great, hurdle jumped – onwards! Jan

  10. Thank you for your story Laura, I’m so pleased you now feel confident wearing a wig – you look fabulous and no one would suspect anything as your hair looks so natural. I agree Simply Wigs are a fantastic, helpful company. They offer much needed information to us all, and very reasonable prices. Carry on being beautiful ?

  11. Thank you for sharing your story Laura. It’s sad that in 2022 society still sees it as a problem for a woman to be losing hair when for a man its fine.

    Lets hope in years to come there will be better education around hairloss and wearing wigs will not be seen as any bigger a deal than wearing contact lenses or hearing aids or dentures or having Botox fillers! I’m optimistic. We can all play our part by wearing our wigs with confidence but also by not shying away from letting people see us without them too.

  12. So agree with all you have said and love the wig you’re wearing May I ask which one it is please.

  13. So pleased that you are comfortable in your new hair.
    You look fabulous!
    Great story with good advice for anyone taking their first steps into the world of wigs. ?

  14. Hi Laura. What a lovely, supportive story. In your photo, you look wonderfully confident and relaxed and the wig is just right for you.

    I have to ask a generalised question: Why is it that the wig critics have a sliding scale about what are valid and invalid reasons for choosing to wear a wig? i.e OK if it is during a period of hair loss, due to Chemo, OK if due to complete baldness due to a diagnosed condition. Not OK if you still have some hair, but it is very poor, perhaps due to genes? Or, in my case, underactive thyroid that doesn’t respond to medication.

    I have been questioned: ‘why are you wearing a wig? You still have eyebrows. You haven’t lost all of your hair then…? It almost implies, ‘oh yes, it must be vanity…’

    This happened recently. I wearily said, ‘Have you thought that you are really lucky, NOT having to wear one…’

    I enjoy wearing my wigs. ENJOY IT. Just like some people enjoy wearing a lot of jewellery. Like Laura, I wasted £1000’s on Trichologists’ treatments, lotions and potions. There’s a big industry out there encouraging you to gamble on your hopes and dreams.

    Be like lovely Laura. Make yourself look how you want to look. show your best and most confident front to the world.

    Love to you, Laura and to the rest of the world who choose to wear wigs. Big hugs XX

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