Ben’s First Day
Dedicated to all children,
big and small,
with alopecia.
a story book by Amy Johnson and Kate Harrison
We have 50 free copies to give away!
Alopecia Uk have introduced a new resource for children with alopecia. ‘Ben’s First Day’ is a short, rhyming story booklet aimed at 3-7 year olds, (however we think it will appeal to all ages!!).
The story has been written by Alopecia UK’s Communications and Fundraising Manager, Amy Johnson, and volunteer Kate Harrison. They wrote it last year when they had some spare time whilst attending the British Dermatological Nursing Group’s conference.
Illustrations have been expertly provided by Mandy Eaton-MacLean who was at the Big Weekend in Glasgow last September. The whole thing was brought together with the graphic design expertise of Robert Newman of Toasted.
All of those involved in creating this resource have alopecia and have given the story to Alopecia UK.Thank you to Alopecia Uk for the use of content for this article
Could you recommend books that we could use in school with a pupil in Year 4 (8 – 9 years old) who is struggling to come to terms with his Mum’s hair loss.
Good news! We have more books in stock. Please follow the link that is found on that page so that we can get your details to send you a free book.
From our other clients experiences with children, we have found out that the majority children will be inquisitive about hair loss and want to know about it. But once you tell them and are open about it, then they will simply accept it and move on with more interesting things that they have to do 🙂
I’m an existing customer of yours and I’m trying to find a book about alopecia for my 5 year old granddaughter. She wants to come for sleepovers and I don’t know how to approach the subject of my hair loss. I was wondering if the book “Children with Alopecia” might help me explain to her about it. I can’t find anything anywhere except “Princess Alopecia” which sounds perfect but costs £87 on Amazon. I’d be grateful for any help or suggestions.
Kind regards
We have been overwhelmed by your requests for this book. All 50 have now gone! Should you still require a book, please email SW directly and we will try and source you a copy. This is a fabulous book, which plays such an important part in creating awareness of Alopecia. Simply Wigs love it!