My eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared overnight

My eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared overnight

My hair loss journey began when I was around 10

Disappearing Eyelashes & Growing Up

All my eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared overnight and no one seemed to know why! Then my long curly locks began to fall out and my parents took me to hospitals, healers and anyone they thought might be able to help.

My teenage years were not the best, to say the least. Sometimes I would lay awake at night and cry and did not want to go to school. I was sent with a prescription to a wig maker in the West End of London and all I can remember is that the wigmaker was old, not terribly in tune with a teenager and was I was prescribed a wiggy, wiggy wig!


I became a bit of a recluse and did not want to go out. School at times was a nightmare. Unfeeling pupils would ‘mock’ me BUT mid-teenage years I was told by a consultant that I had Alopecia Totallis and that the likelihood was that my hair would not return.

I Became Determined!

Once I digested this information, I picked myself up and was determined to find better wigs and get on with my life. This was nearly 50 years ago, so wigs were not ‘the in thing’ then. My parents managed to get some wigs from the U.S.A. sent to me in the U.K. but they were expensive. I started going out and when I was 30 I got married and now have a wonderful family and I have never looked back. Obviously, some day’s are not as good as others and when I watch programmes like Strictly Come Dancing I wished that I could afford the wonderful wigs that the Dancers wear – and how do they not come off? BUT in recent years I discovered Simply Wigs- I wish they were situated nearer to where I live so that I could actually go there – but they are wonderful with their advice and help and their wonderful selection of wigs and realistic prices. I still only buy synthetic wigs as this is what I am used to, and a local hairdresser always helps me out if I want them trimmed.

So all you wig wearers out there, and wig wearers in the future, have courage! Actually the truth is that if you get the right advice and wigs, people will not even realise that you are wearing a wig! But anyway – who cares – you are going to feel and look fabulous when you buy wigs from Simply Wigs and get their amazing helpful and friendly advice.

Take care,

Love Linda



14 thoughts on “My eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared overnight

  1. My story almost identical, but mine started in 1954 when I was 11.
    I have recently found simply wigs, who are very helpful. My profession was hairdresser so had a pretty good advantage. My advice to anyone wearing wigs is to have it LIGHTLY trimmed by a hairdresser who is used to wigs and preferably knows you and what you like.

  2. Again, my story is so similar. Starting eith bskd pstches ehen i was 6, and i was accused of pulling my hsir out myself.
    At 8 started wearing old lady real hsir wigs that i hax to send away to be dry cleaned, and re set . Just awful!
    I wore wigs until i was 16, and could mange with a headscarf, but had horrible teenage years, no confidence at all.
    I met and married my husband having various baLd patches that i could hide.
    A few years later, pregnant with my second son i lost all my hair. That was 34 years ago.
    Last year i had my brows microbladed. That is the best thing i have ever done. Now i feel confident to wear a lace front wig, not alwayz needing to ha e long thick fringe to hide behind.
    I am enjoying experimenting with different wig styles, and now prefer people to know i wear them, so i can chop and change style and
    shade. Im not ready to go without a wig, i e joy them too much now.
    Thanks to all the support from other wig wearers.

  3. I had the same experience at 23 a little older than you but it could have been the same woman and she was so unfeeling her husband measured my head…. Everything within me was crying that day I think… How far we have come now though and at 58 I am so greatly relieved that our lovely women of today of all ages don’t have to suffer that kind of humiliation anymore ??

  4. Linda I am so sorry you are feeling like you do at the moment I have been wearing wigs for 32 years now and I think if my real hair came back I would not really wish it to because then you would have to do it each day. I wear winner by rachel welch in r23s which is a blonde colour and even some of my work friends did not realise I was wearing a wig. I have no eyebrows or eyelashes but with make up you can not tell. I always get lots of lovely compliments about my hair asking where do you get your done at. I just tell them my hairdressers salon name because that is the truth. I hope you start to feel better before to long and try somewhere that willhelp you in your quest to find a hair piece that you love. I use natural image in newcastle I have since I lost all my hair.

  5. I lost mine at 60 and have a petite head. Simply Wigs do some wigs for petite heads but mostly they are lace fronts which irritate my skin. I buy Tova wigs by Amore and turn the bottom layer at the back under to make the wig smaller. I also followed instructions to make a wig smaller by removing a layer or two on U tube but it was not a whole lot better fitting.

  6. Its my 20th hair loss anniversary year this year. My daughter was one at the time but there was no reason behind why it happened. It was all over total hair loss. I swear this is why I too became a bit of a recluse and would only visit family. I wouldn’t go to any groups with her and guess now we both missed out on stuff. My husband was and is, amazing about it. I went onto have two more children, at one point during my second pregnancy I got hair back on my arms and random hairs dotted on different parts of my body. I got used to the hair loss but wish I still had lashes and brows (I have lower lashes on ONE eye)!! I look back at some photos now of my wigs from the early days of hair loss and wonder what possessed me to wear them but I had no real advice offered from anyone until I found the Simply Wigs website.

  7. Me too I lost mine at 65 . I think the thing I worry about most is if I go into hospital And I’m unconscious and it falls off !! Apart from that I’m getting used to it . Try getting wigs with silicone inside as they grip to your head and no need for tape or glue. You’re not alone , it’s rubbish but I guess there are worse things out there x

  8. I have suffered from Alopecia for many years. Started in my 30’s and has continued to happen throughout my life. My hair has grown back on a few occasions but not for the last 20 years. I have lost my eyebrows and eyelashes, although in the last few years my eyelashes have grown back but not my eyebrows. I now have them Microbladed and they are fab. I buy a lot of my wigs from Simply Wigs and usually buy Ellen Willie ones as they do a petite range. I also have a friend who has a shop in Benidorm (as I live in Spain) and she helps me with new styles and then I order them at a much cheaper price from Simply Wigs. Not many people know I wear wigs and I often get complimented on my ‘hair’. Thank you Simply Wigs for being there and providing me with great advice and wonderful products. Stay strong if this happens to you. You can overcome it and feel feminine and fabulous again.

  9. So feel for you l suffer from alopecia universalis. Mine began to fallout in patches after the death of my brother in 1973 in patches and l hated my school years. As other class members would walk past the sound of “Sir Susan has a bald patch” yelled in the classroom was heart breaking and wiggy wig wigs were torture. Days and nights do get filled with tears as to walk on the moor in the wind and rain blowing through my hair making it wavy was the best feeling for me ever. Treating myself this month to a new wig and cannot wait. Take care Linda smile be happy and proud of your wigs. xxx

  10. Hi it is so difficult to be positive I lost my hair eye brows and lashes at 65yrs no reason just happened
    No matter how I try I can’t get my head around it.there are so many people much braver than me .I have a petite head I have tried real hair synthetic but can’t get on with any of them I have become a stay at home person and comfort eat I hope I can have a better attitude soon.

  11. Such a moving story; I wish more research could be done but it is not at the top of the list. I look at Youtube quite a lot and there are fantastic tips on how to achieve less shine on the wig, styling and make-up too. I have seen that many ladies who have completely lost their hair use a particular type of glue to stick the wig in place and wow! do they get fantastic results.
    Good luck.

  12. This could be my story! Take heart – you are not alone and life can still be good ?

  13. I can relate to your story it’s like reading about myself, I too lost my hair at the age of 7 and school was so bad but as you say you get through it and it makes you stronger. I now have a lovely family and great friends.

  14. Your story echoes mine, and I remember being sent to banbury pastiche in birmingham and having what I remember as a very old lady measure my head. (I also was 11, and just starting grammar school)
    The shouder length hand tied human hair wig was just awful,I cried and cried and cried, I now love the lace front wigs and semi permanent tattooed eyebrows, and even at 60 some natural false eyelashes,

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