Do I Need a Wig Cap?

Do I Need a Wig Cap?

To wear, or not to wear? That is the question.

Wearing a wig cap is a completely personal preference. Wig caps act as protective barrier to a sensitive scalp and keep your wig comfortable and secure during everyday use. If wearing a wig cap helps you achieve this, then this is the way to go. If though, the wig cap doesn’t suit your needs and doesn’t provide you with any added benefit, then put the wig cap back in its cellophane and leave alone.

Wig caps are not expensive items (£2.00 for a pack of 2), so we would advise that you buy a pack and see if they work for you. Just remember that due to the personal nature of the product, you are unable to return wig caps for a refund. What you are looking for is the most comfortable fit for your wig, so ultimately you are the one to decide, do I wear a wig cap?

For our customers with complete hairloss:


1. If you wear a wig cap and have complete hair loss, the cap can provide a protective barrier and protect against that scratchy and uncomfortable feeling against your scalp that can sometimes occur when you wear a wefted wig.

2. A wig cap will give you an extra layer of comfort if you have a sensitive scalp. Depending on what wig construction you opt for, the extra layer that a wig cap provides will ensure that your scalp can breathe and doesn’t become irritated by the direct contact of a wig.

3. Many of our loyal wig wearers also say that wearing a wig if you have complete hair loss helps to prevent the wig itself from slipping. It gives some structure for the wig to sit against and helps you feel confident that your wig won’t move whilst you wear it. The wig cap serves the purpose of being a base layer for your wig and the foundation for a look that will stay firmly in place.


1. Some wig wearers comment that a wig cap can feel warm and, combined with the weight of a wig, this heat can feel uncomfortable. As many wig caps are made from nylon liners, this fabric can sometimes react with the skin and cause the scalp to sweat more than usual.

For our customers with hair:


1. For customers with partial or no hair loss, wig caps are a handy tool to keep your natural hair under wraps. Again, wig caps provide a vital extra layer of comfort and will effectively hide your existing hair and stop any misbehaving hairs from escaping out from under your wig.

2. For customers with no hair loss, wig caps are great for flattening your natural hair and keeping it as close to your scalp as possible so that your wig will look completely natural with no visible lumps and bumps.


1. Similar to the feedback of complete hair loss customers, there are a sprinkling of clients who state that wig caps can make their heads feel warm and a bit sweaty.

2. Some customers also comment that a wig cap can sometimes feel a bit restrictive and give them a bit of headache if worn too long.

How to put a wig cap on:

If you have hair, slightly dampen it as this will make it easier to manage and control. Twist longer hair up as the twisting motion will ensure less flyway hairs.

Comb your hair through and pull into a low pony tail at the nape. Do not use bands, or bobbles but twist your hair into a ponytail shape and then use kirby grips to secure the end part of the ponytail towards your crown.

Tidy any additional loose hair strands along the sides and then work them into the ponytail. If you have lots of hair, it may be best to create several ponytails so that it will not be too bulky.

Position your wig cap:

Position the wig cap at the point where your front natural hairline would be. Pull the wig cap over your head, stretching the cap over your head until it sits comfortably and secure at your nape. Pull the sides of the wig cap down so that they are behind your ears.

You are aiming to have the majority of your hair covered by the cap, so tuck any remaining hair beneath the cap from around the front, nape and sides to keep it as neat and tidy as possible.

You can adjust and manoeuvre the cap until you feel comfortable. The cap should feel secure and snug, but not too tight. You don’t want any of your natural hair showing and when you are happy that the wig cap is comfortable and doing its job properly, you are then ready to place your wig on top and step out with a style that will stay fabulous all day.

Wearing a wig cap is a completely personal preference and our advice is go with what you feel comfortable with. If you feel comfortable, it will radiate in your face and that beautiful smile is the best accessory you could have when showing off your fabulous locks. Take a look at our very own Steph’s thoughts on wig caps as she explains how a wig cap is an absolute must-have in her wig wearing routine.


19 thoughts on “Do I Need a Wig Cap?

  1. I have very thin shorrrt hair and have wig caps bands, wig grips and not wore yet, I love the wig, but not ready to compete with my son on how ridiculous I may look. I live in Florida so we shall see what works in the humidity.

  2. I’ve suffered a lot of hair loss from stress and started wearing wigs a few years back. The biggest problem I had was the wig cap slipping up under the wig. To remedy this I apply a thin layers of water soluble hair gel (Got2b glued) all around the hairline and attach the wig cap to that first. Allow to dry for a few minutes. Next I stick wig tape strips around the edge of the cap at intervals and press the wig into place. It holds all day and I’ve even slept in my wig and it’s still firmly in place next day.

  3. I’m very new at wearing a wig..I’m trying everything ..caps .. grips…tape and Glue
    They all seem to work in varying in progress
    Thanks for all your help

  4. In 21 i started losing my hair in the very first week of chemo. Immediately bought a wig. It was winter and it was still hot and very itchy. Didn’t matter. was too sick to go out. Bought turbans to natch everything. Some kinda fancy. Got to liking them. Got lots of compliments. Recently an acquaintance who always wears wig gave me a lace wig. I am doing my 5th round of chemo, but different meds and hair is back. But I really like this wig. I have had it sized. But can’t quite figure out the best way to make sure it stays on. Any suggestions. it is a good wig.

  5. I have a pretty small head, and I have tried all sorts but for me the only thing that makes me feel confident that the wig is not coming off at all in any eventuality is wig tape. I only use 2 very small strips just at the very edge of my hairline. On half of each strip I stick my wig cap, leaving the other half for the lace of my wig. I was finding that the wig cap would slip backwards and pull my wig with it so now both are secure in place and its so easy to get the tape off at the end of the day with special liquid. I don’t have much of a bulge at the back of my head and still have some bio hair so I use 2 kirby grips at the back to make me feel even more secure. I found wig grips too bulky for such a small head.

  6. Personally I don’t wear wig caps at all because the beautician I went to says it can cause more friction than you just wearing the wig and I noticed that my scalp creates a lot of moisture while wearing protective styles so it wont be best for me to use a wig cap because it would be too sweaty for me. You don’t have to wear a wig cap if you don’t want to because its a trend. but I do use a wig grip just so my wig stays secured.

  7. Thank you. I suffer from intermediate hair loss and I have been debating for quite some time now

  8. I am new at wearing a wig and by wearing a wig cap I have noticed that the cap is taking out the back of my hair underneath . have always hadI healthy hair but now I have bald spots what do I do?

  9. Is the destructiveness of the elastic in the cap a problem? My hair stylist states that some people get a permanent indention or line in their scalp from the wig cap. I’m experiencing hair loss and want to wear a protective covering under my wig that won’t cause damage. What do you recommend?

  10. What about getting the right size,I am a small person and my head is small,worried that wind will blow it off while wearing do have thin fine hair,problem covering my ears and the part in top of head,I use hair thickening products which helps some but I think all that causes hair to fall out to and some hereditary from family

  11. My heart goes out to you as I have the same problem. I have hair but I have patches of fall out due to all the midications I take and it is very thin. I was so looking forward to being able to wear a wig but they so far have been itching me to death. I have tried many caps and I always wash my hair before wearing the wig etc. But no luck. If I find any solutions I surely will pass it on to you. God bless you my dear. Also I am 63 and I pray that God will find a way for us both.

  12. My hair has been falling out for months due to an accumulation of stress, to the point where I was so depressed looking in the mirror that I decided to buy a wig. This was the best decision I ever made. After much researching of the various options I decided to go for a good quality lace front synthetic wig and was advised to use a wig cap underneath it. It took a little practice to get used to putting it on and I now find that if I press the edges down onto the edge of the wig cap it tends to stay put more securely. I’ve received so many compliments from friends, family and even my postman who said it looked fabulous! I can now look in the mirror and smile and my confidence has had such a boost.

  13. I wear a Wig cap , but have yet to find one that stops the wig itching my head , I have a Cotton one at the moment which is the most comfortable , but I would like to find a really comfortable one I have no hair at all and haven’t had for 15 years now .

  14. I would never wear my wig without first applying a wig cap. After I have showered I comb what little bit of hair I have and apply a little hairspray, then apply the cap (this helps it to stay on) then apply my wig and it feels secure. If I did not wear the wig cap it could get knocked off my head. Imagine if you brushed against something and the wig got caught up – without the cap underneath it wouldn’t have such a good grip. People say that they are warm/hot, but wearing a wig can get very warm, it’s bound to. You just have to get used to it. All I know is that without a wig I would not be able to go out. They give such confidence and I get many compliments. I hope my comments have helped. Thank you.

  15. Thank-you for your great advise,I am going to give the wig cap a try, as I have a wig, never worn it as yet..but will in the future …I find my own hair drops out from underneath the wig when I put it on, so will be purchasing the wig cap soon.

  16. I personally wear a wig cap. I find it helps hold the wig firmly in place. I have been wearing a wig for four years now due to my hair loss which is over the whole head. I still have a little very thin hair ant the wig cap keeps this under control and give some grip. If you are suffering with hair loss please dont waste tome worrying. Get a wig. They are amazing and give you your life back.

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