Wig Bank | Re-opened

Wig Bank | Re-opened

We are delighted and thrilled that the Wig Bank has now re-opened at the Simply Wigs Shop’.

Mission Statement

To provide a friendly community network that will support and educate women undergoing cancer treatment, medical treatments that result in hair loss, or are necessity wearers. Our goal is to provide all women, regardless of status or location the support in finding a wig.

What is a wig bank?

Our scheme allows women to obtain a brand new/nearly new wig for a minimal donation of £5.00. The proceeds are then donated to charity.

Do I qualify for a wig from the wig bank?

We will consider anyone that is undergoing cancer treatment, has any other medical treatment that is causing hair loss, or is a necessity wearer.

What charity do we support?

We support Kirkwood Hospice. This fantastic charity provides specialist care, free of charge, to adults with advanced, progressive illnesses at any time from diagnosis to the end of life, respecting their individual needs and wishes.


Where is the Simply Wigs wig bank?

The Simply Wigs wig bank is run from our shop in Slaithwaite, Huddersfield. Before covid, we used to do a drop-in service every Friday, but this has now changed. We now run the wig bank through appointments only. Simply call 01484 840100 and make an appointment to come and see us.

What condition are the wigs?

They are either brand new or near to new. We no longer accept donations unless the wigs are brand new. We have over 1000 donated wigs, so there are plenty to choose from.

What will happen at my appointment?

A member of our friendly shop team will have a chat with you and see what style and cap construction would be best for you. You will be shown styles from the wig bank, which are close to your requirements. If you are new to the world of wigs, then this is a fabulous opportunity to perhaps start wearing a wig in the comfort of your own home, to see if wearing a wig is the way forward for you. Wigs can be expensive, so paying a £5.00 donation is not a massive investment.

If you are already a wig wearer, then this may be the perfect opportunity to try out some different styles, without having the expense of purchasing a new look.

There is no limit to how many wigs you wish to purchase, so the world is really your oyster.

The Simply Wigs wig bank is a fabulous way to re-cycle wigs, as well as supporting a fabulous charity. All of the Simply Wigs team are incredibly proud to be involved with this inspirational scheme and it is a privilege for us to help you on your wig wearing journey.

Your donations – Brand new only

We have been overwhelmed by the donations & generosity of our Simply Wigs hair loss community. The wig bank response has been both heartwarming and incredibly uplifting. It is an absolute joy to open the donations and to read such lovely letters from our SW customers. Due to the sheer amount of donations, we are only now able to accept brand new wigs.



Come and visit us.

Call 01484 840100 for further information.


2 thoughts on “Wig Bank | Re-opened

  1. I have been very interested to read the advice and tips from a number of the letters. I don’t know what is causing my hair loss but it seems to be increasing. About twenty five years ago after having had a hysterectomy I was initially told that I could not have treatment for the menopause as I had previously had a bilateral mastectomy. I was suffering with sore joints and was eventually sent to see a Specialist who had me tested for osteoporosis which I was found to have and he put me on estrogen . patches. Now having been taken off it a few years back I can only think it has something to do with that. I am also seventy eight so I suppose old age has its part to play. I feel there is no way I could afford a wig having read that the synthetic one would need replacing every three months and the natural one every seven or eight months. I don’t feel I have the right to feel down about it when people who are going through cancer treatment or alopecia have more right. I will just have to get on with it. The pictures of the ladies with their wigs look absolutely lovely and don’t look as if they are wearing wigs at all.

  2. I would love to come across ! This is such a fabulous idea , I have Alopecia totalis

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Our Mission

Every member of the Simply Wigs team will conduct themselves with integrity, compassion and a sprinkling of fabulousness, whilst guiding you through your hair loss journey. One step at a time. We will offer support, guidance, then stand back, and watch you once again, feel fabulous.
Email Us: info@simplywigs.co.uk // Telephone Us: 01484 844557
(Monday - Thursday: 9am-4pm, Friday: 9am-3pm)