I noticed my long hair was thinning

I noticed my long hair was thinning

The man I loved and trusted since the age of sixteen took my hair from me. I know that sounds awful, but for years, small acts of physical abuse went unnoticed – by me I confess. By the time I began losing my hair, it was already too late – I was pregnant with my daughter, and had been with him for eleven years.

At the time, I was working two jobs, living at home, and going out with friends on weekends, so I only had to put up with his horrible rants a couple of evenings a week. Foolishly, I thought having a child would change him, but it didn’t. When I was 27 and six months pregnant, we moved in together. Things were okay at first, but when I came home from the hospital after giving birth, things got worse and the abuse started again.

A few months passed and I noticed my long hair was thinning – I always had a mane of hair. My mum paid for me to get it cut into a bob, thinking it was just postpartum hair loss. But by the end of that year, I had only a strip of hair left down the back of my head. After visiting the doctors, I was diagnosed with alopecia. I was twenty-nine and bald. Now, I’m fifty-nine and still bald.

Eventually, I left that abusive relationship and met the absolute love of my life. I married him and never looked back. My ex would often call me ‘baldy’ and say I was an embarrassment to him. How cruel, considering he took my hair. But now, I am so happy, wearing the most amazing wigs, looking good and confident, thanks to the love and support of my husband, my love.

Love to you all, Helen xx


5 thoughts on “I noticed my long hair was thinning

  1. So pleased you got through it and are now in a great relationship and happy .
    Your wig looks amazing x

  2. You have been gifted with a lovely face, Helen. You are more than just an abuse survivor, you are a winner!

    The bob looks very sophisticated on you – very smart.

    I think that you may be one of the lucky people who will look absolutely stunning with many different styles and colours.

    Enjoy your wigs and be adventurous within this happy new phase of your life.

  3. This happened to me too, Helen and Sally..Thank you for your history Helen, you look beautiful…so pleased you’re happy now…

  4. So sorry to hear that story & you do look so lovely with that new Hair piece .The colour is so natural .I myself an having trouble with thinning hair ,so maybe I can find something so will send away for any information I can .Best Wishes in your new found happiness.Lorna Sheppard

  5. I’m so sorry that happened to you. My hair loss too started with an abusive controlling man older than myself when I was in my teens and I would also say he took my hair from me. Then there are some lovely men and thankfully you found yours now. That’s a great style on you. x

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