My wig took a battering from the PPE

My wig took a battering from the PPE

Normally I work in the eye department. As soon as lockdown happened, I was redeployed to the Intensive care unit. I was already nervous, although I have been working in the hospital for 12 years, I have only been a health care assistant for a year. I had one day training, then I was showed the PPE and measured for the mask.
I was relieved to see the hospital I work in, has got very good PPE. My first thoughts looking at the PPE was how I am going to take the hat and the mask off without taking my wig off at the same time. Eek. Well, I found a good way of doing that, so that was a relief!

PPE | Personal Protective Equipment

Working in ICU is an experience in itself, but in all the PPE and in a global pandemic, is something I never thought I would have to do. Time to forget about how much the PPE was uncomfortable and hot! But to get stuck in and assist the incredible and amazing nurses and other staff that had also been redeployed. We work as a fantastic team, I can honestly tell you we have all cried at some point.

COVID -19 is a really evil virus. It doesn’t care how old or young. I have seen people survive and people that have sadly passed away. I have another month of shifts there! My wig took a battering from the PPE and I will keep that one as a “work one” now. I am so very grateful that Simply Wigs sent me one complimentary. Thank you so much Simply Wigs!
Hello SW – Just to let you know my sky wig has arrived. Thank you so much!
I have a few days off now so perfect timing. Please pass on my thanks to the SW team.

To Michelle and all our hidden heroes,

We would like to THANK each and every essential worker, whose jobs are vital to public health and safety during the coronavirus lockdown. Their work is SO VITAL and they are putting themselves at risk during this time for the benefit of others.



16 thoughts on “My wig took a battering from the PPE

  1. I have just read the comments from people who have been wearing their wigs with PPE. It’s so reassuring that I’m not the only one. I love the Kristen Wig by Jon Renau and have ordered another one because mine has taken a battering with more frequent washing and taking masks on and off.
    My colleagues know I wear a wig and we joke that I am the only one coming out of lock down with decent looking hair!
    Thank you Simply Wigs xxx

  2. Well done Michelle, you look lovely in your new wig , thankyou for the amazing job that you do, and to all you others that do frontline jobs , thankyou so much.

  3. How lovely you look Michelle, nobody would know you are wearing a wig, it looks so natural and suits you and what a great gesture from SW. Thank you and all the nhs workers for all you do in these awful times. X

  4. Michelle I am with you the whole way! As a specialist nurse in a big London Hospital I have also been redeployed to an Intensive Care Unit… not only was there the general fear about the virus combined with anxiety of now working in an unfamiliar clinical environment, we also have the wig wearing considerations too. Whilst my immediate team know about my alopecia its not widely known; but like you with a bit of practice I found a way of taking my mask and hair cover off without whipping off my hair! It has been hot and uncomfortable at times and I did have a serious conversation with my husband over the hot Easter weekend (and a particularly nasty batch off PPE) about whether I should just ditch it and go bald! Thankfully we are now calmer, a bit frizzier and definitely bit pulled through a hedge backwards but secretly smiling as no greys and fancy second wigs at home for all those zoom calls!! Much love to all my fellow wig wearing colleagues.

  5. I pride myself on detecting a wig but I must say if you had not mentioned it, I would never have guessed. It suits you very well and looks so natural.
    Thank you for your work and may God bless you all.

  6. Hi Michelle, I to work on the front line as a S/N as part of a district nursing team, my wig to has taken a ‘battering’ I feel the same when applying PPE, had to result in wearing old wig, will be purchasing a new wig in the near future, good luck + stay safe. Xx

  7. Thank you for all you do Michelle. That is a lovely story. And that Simpy Wigs gave you a complimentary one too, that is just so fab. They are an amazing bunch over at SW……and so are you and your fellow NHS workers. I’m sure there are many of us relating to this story of yours, because removing hats, jumpers, sweatshirts….or indeed anything that has to go over the head…. in public takes courage, because it could so easily turn into an embarrassing situation. It may not be anywhere near as important when you are watching your team play rugby on a Saturday, and you want to take your woolly hat off in the clubhouse afterwards, but it is still a tricky one. 🙂 You’re brilliant! Keep doing what you do. Stay safe, Sandra x

  8. Hi, I’m with you!! I have been placed in ICU too and my wig is just one frizzy mess. There really is no way around it is there. I’m currently saving up for a new one, and will keep this frizzy one for the PPE.

  9. Michelle, I just want to say how natural and attractive you look in your ‘faux hair’ , and to comment on how courageous you are. Thank you.

  10. So reassuring reading this . I work in the emergency department and as previous comments say , the anxiety of disrobing and keeping the wig in place brings another level of anxiety . I’m grateful that I can wear a wig and look normal for me , but it is not always easy . Alopecia is not really openly discussed , so until it happens to you people do not understand the enormous impact it has on you as a person . SW provide an excellent service . I just wished I lived nearer so that I could actually visit . These forums are good as you realise that there others just like me . Alopecia as a condition feels quite isolating as thankfully it is not that common in the big scheme of things . It’s good to share x Thank you x

  11. Michelle you look fantastic and you wouldn’t know it was a wig .
    Well done S W for giving this lovely lady a wig as she truly
    deserves it.

  12. I can really relate to this! I am a midwife working in a high risk ward and although grateful for the PPE, was so anxious about the effect it would have in my wig! And of course the nerves at whether it would ever slip off! Still makes me anxious but I’m just very careful!

  13. Amazing lady and great story. Summer time in the heat can be challenging enough wearing a wig… I can’t imagine it with all that PPE on.

    Well done to simply wigs for sharing this and for their generosity.

    Such strange time’s but lovely to hear stories like this.

    Well done x

  14. What a fabulous story. My heart went out to you having to work in the heart of things and coping with wearing a wig. Some might scorn and say how petty worrying about a wig in these times but if only they knew the agony and torment before wearing then the utter euphoria when wearing. Good luck with your job, take care and stay safe and stay beautiful in and out xxx

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