There are lots of presents under the tree and you can hear that everyone is excited to undo the presents. You feel safe and comfortable around your family, but should you wear your wig?
Steph talks about things to consider such as, where you are spending Christmas? Who you are with and how comfortable do you feel on the day?
What will you be doing on Christmas day?
Let me know your views?
Hi, I know it’s March but have just watched your xmas video! (being new to wigs I’ve been having a good rummage around the Simply website before taking the plunge and ordering!) Just wanted to say i loved your video – what a lovely person you are!
(and you (& your hair) look gorgeous!
It’s left me feeling really positive about my soon-to-begin wig journey, so thankyou x
Hi Leanne, I emailed simply wigs and apparently it’s the Callie in ginger brown 🙂
What wig are you wearing Steph? Love it!
Hi What style is that you’re wearing? 🙂