
The Munch hair enhancer from the Stimulate collection, is an amazing product which we are delighted to now have on our portfolio.

We always recommend that our hairloss community take a look at our inhouse 360 view of products. This will give you a realistic view of what you will get when you take the enhancer out of the box. Here are also the measurements, so that you can judge where the enhancer will sit against your own hair. The overall length of the enhancer is approximately 22cm. The inte…

The Munch hair enhancer from the Stimulate collection, is an amazing product which we are delighted to now have on our portfolio.

We always recommend that our hairloss community take a look at our inhouse 360 view of products. This will give you a realistic view of what you will get when you take the enhancer out of the box. Here are also the measurements, so that you can judge where the enhancer will sit against your own hair. The overall length of the enhancer is approximately 22cm. The internal base is about 13cm by 18cm. What we really noticed with this particular enhancer was the lace that the hair has been hand tied into, is incredibly flat. The consequence of this is when you attach it to your head, there is no bulk at all. This paper thin construction is incredibly exciting as it will ensure that your enhancer will be undetectable. For a more detailed look of the attachment, please check out the What's Inside details.

The Munch product is also incredibly versatile, as it is made from heat friendly fibre. This will give you more opportunities for you to tweak your look, so that it will blend perfectly with your own hair. Our customer service advisors advise our community that a hair enhancer will only look natural, if the blend between the enhancer and your own hair is effortless. This does sometimes mean that it is better to get it trimmed & feathered in, by a professional. Here at Simply Wigs, our shop team are trained & qualified wig cutters, so you always have the opportunity to come and see us. If you purchased the product from ourselves, the cut will also be complmentary!

We are delighted that the Stimulate collection have added this product to their portfolio. We think that that the design is low denisty, and delicate. These attributes are perfect in creating an undetectable enhancer. 

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