
The Stroke of Genius wig from the Raquel Welch collection is a luscious, longer lengthed style that has open barrelled curls, which are really flattering. The fibre is made from Tru2Life fibre, which means that you can also use a low heat on this wig to change your style should you fancy experimenting.

The longer layers of the Stroke of Genius wig tumble to below the shoulder blades. It weighs approximately 5.7oz, which is not a lightweight wig, but with the length of the curls this is underst…

The Stroke of Genius wig from the Raquel Welch collection is a luscious, longer lengthed style that has open barrelled curls, which are really flattering. The fibre is made from Tru2Life fibre, which means that you can also use a low heat on this wig to change your style should you fancy experimenting.

The longer layers of the Stroke of Genius wig tumble to below the shoulder blades. It weighs approximately 5.7oz, which is not a lightweight wig, but with the length of the curls this is understandable. 

Here at Simply Wigs, we always recommend that our customers take a look at our inhouse 360 view, as this gives you an opportunity to see the wig from every angle, just as you would receive it straight out of the box. It is always best to have an idea about the measurements of the style, so that you can get an idea where the layers will sit against your own face and neck, so here are some measurements for you too. The fringe measures about 20cm. This style has a predefined left monofilament parting, so the fringe will naturally fall to the right. The crown measures approximately 10cm, whereas the nape is 34cm. This style is a long wig, which measures from the crown to the back tips approximately 49cm. Lots of length to look and feel glamourous!  

The cap construction is predominantly wefted, which will cleverly provide ventilation throughout your wig wearing day. The top of the wig has a flower netted material design, which surrounds and supports the monofilament parting. The parting will create the illusion that the fibre is coming from your own scalp, which all adds to the illusion that this wig is your own bio hair. The parting then blends into a lace front. This will allow you to sweep the fringe away from your forehead, without any unsightly wig edge showing.

The cap of the Stroke of Genius wig is an Average size, and it is secured with Velcro tabs at the nape. The velcro taps will give you up to 3cm of either tightening, or slackening the circumference.

If you are looking for a glamourous, longer lengthed style then the Stroke of Genius may just be for you. Check out our inhouse 360 view to see if the open barrell curls are what you are looking for!

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